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Voter Information


Poll Locations

To register to vote, please visit the Office of Hinds County Circuit Clerk, the Hon. Zack Wallace.  Registration only takes a few minutes, and you can contact the Circuit Clerk’s Office at 601-968-6628 should you have any questions. 

Please know the following important information: 

  • You must be registered to vote thirty (30) days before an election.

  • The Circuit Clerk's Office is open for absentee voting two Saturdays prior to an election from 8:00 a.m. until noon. The deadline to cast an absentee ballot in the clerk's office is noon on the Saturday prior to an election.

  • Absentee balloting begins forty-five (45) days prior to an election and ends at noon the Saturday before the election.


Paid for By Committee to Elect Pieter Teeuwissen
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